Monday, July 5, 2010

Why the World Needs Another Blog

So here it is. I've become a blogger. Ugh. Just saying it makes me feel weird. I feel like I don't have the street cred to blog. I'm not a total-indie-hipster, I don't run with celebrities, and I don't write fan fiction. Actually, I feel like everyone has a blog these days. And when I read other people's blogs, I realize how funny everyone is. Like, seriously witty. I used to think that I was a pretty good writer with a pretty good sense of humor, but now I realize that EVERYONE is funny/has clever opinions/can make obscure pop cultural references. It makes me proud of our country and ashamed that I don't really have any unique talents.

Okay, so why am I actually starting a blog? I'll list for you. I'm such a lister. To-do lists totally got me through AP test studying/midterms/finals week. Well....:

1. Blogs are the new diaries. I used to keep a diary in middle school and, believe me, you would not want me to post that for all the world to see. I was way more cynical than I am now, but the kind of cynical where you think you're funny but you're just being a negative nelly (ooh that just reminded me of Nelly's iconic song "Grillz".... excuse me while I take a short music break). But I had braces, so I'm sure that my teeth and self-esteem were constantly hurting, which made all of my entries pretty sarcastic and boring. I would literally write about IM conversations. How early 2000's (btw, did the experts ever come to a consensus on what to call that decade? The oh-oh's? The aughties? The naughties? I'm totally rooting for the ovals....I mean the two zeros look like ovals! Am I right, or am I right people?).

So, now that I'm older, wiser, more mature ( future posts on Aquamarine, High School Musical, and iCarly will most likely leave that up for debate), and have a much rosier view of the world (but still with a quirky hint of sarcasm!), I am much more apt to be writing about life. You can disagree if you want, and even write a comment if you feel that way. I'll probably delete if it's mean, but hey. I'm the blogger here. I can do what I want.

2. This blog isn't going to be the kind that will detail every move I make (ahhh sorry one more music break....."Every breath you taaaaaaaaake, every move you maaaaaaaaaaaake"....gotta love The Police) or even really much of my personal life. I have other outlets for that, aka Twitter/Facebook/talking to people face to face (ugh, how old school of me. I may as well say I still use a Beeper).

3. You may ask, "But blogger! Whatever will you talk about then?" Well, my dear reader, I'm going write commentary on pop culture. Actually, commentary on anything I deem fit. I am a complete pop culture junkie, and my interests vary, so hopefully I'll keep you entertained/mildly informed. And hey, it's better than watching Youtube videos of cats clawing at iPads or whatever.

4. My sister started a blog of her own, and being the lil sis I have to play catch up. That's probably the simplest and best reason I can give.

And finally......

5. The summer after freshman year in college is boring. There's nothing to do. I've watched every DVD I own, I need a break from re-watching LOST, and JK Rowling decided to stop writing Harry Potter books so I don't have a new 700-page novel to pour over (Seriously JK? You couldn't you have consulted with me before you decided that we didn't need any more details about Hermione and Ron's love, what happened to Hogwarts, Ginny and Harry's family life, or if Hagrid ever found true love with another half-giant? Sigh). So anyways, I decided I have lots of opinions, and I can't talk to my mom about my "Real Housewives" franchise obsession ("That stuff is trash! All of those women! So trashy!"), and my friends are probably tired of listening to me talk about High School Musical and iCarly. So, I've decided to put my opinions on the internet for all to see!

So, in the wise words of Kenan and Kel (and Coolio): Awwwwwwwww here it goes!

[If you didn't catch that last reference, you obviously weren't born in the 90's/didn't have cable. If this is the case, then you need to be schooled on greatest decade in American History (Okay, actually the 60's were pretty boss. Then, the second-best decade.) So pop open that can of orange soda, and enjoy!]

1 comment:

  1. such a throwback... this year, i'm watching the xmas episode with you!
