Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things I Would Marry

At school, in addition to the "What fruit would you be game," (I'm always told I'm a pear- so lame), my friends and I would play the "Things I Would Marry" game. The rules are simple: list things/ideas/inanimate objects/places that you love so much, you would marry if it were legal. And FYI, it's a joke. I think our culture realizes that it's totally creepy to want to be in a relationship with something non-human.

So what do I wish I could marry?:

That chocolate shell stuff that you can put on ice cream and it hardens: I swear, this stuff is heaven in a bottle. I think my mom stopped buying it for me after I accidentally kept putting it back in the fridge, and then it would harden.

Public libraries: In the wise words of Finn from GLEE, "Check this out. I got this at the school library. Did you know you can just, borrow books from there?"

Yes, my sweet, sweet Finn, it's true! You can actually just go to the library and borrow stuff! Books! Movies! CDs! One of my summer rituals is compiling a list of new books to read over the next few months. Granted, I always ending up listing Great American Classics and then end up disregarding those for the latest in chick lit, but still, the library is awesome. And I love how you can just go online, search for pretty much any book, movie, or CD, and get it transferred to your branch. It's so cool! I used it so much last summer that I ended up memorizing my library card number (I couldn't even remember my Student ID number for this year, how's that for sad). So, if you're ever bored this summer, or your wom tells you to turn off the Real Housewives and go read a book, don't grumble. The library is your friend! I swear, there's cool stuff there. Plus, they make excellent places to study, because there's no distractions. Well, usually no distractions. Damnit, GLEE, you giveth and then taketh away, your respect for libraries!

Paint-By-Numbers: This goes along with my love for public libraries. When summer rolls around, the boredom does too. And with that, I usually feel a strong urge to be creative and take on art projects. I don't know why, it's not like I was ever that great at art class. Anyways, Paint-By-Numbers are the best things ever (besides public libraries) because you don't actually have to draw the picture. All you have to do is paint. And it's not that hard. Sure, one you've moved up to the advanced kits like moi (which still only feature patterns of puppies and dolphins) you actually have to sometimes mix the paints together to perfect that shade of cerulean (which, beeteedubs, is my favorite color. Hold up. Wikipedia is showing me all different shades of cerulean now. HOW MANY SHADES OF CERULEAN CAN EXIST IN ONE WORLD. I'm a mere teenager, I can't have this many choices in my life). But once you've finished the shading on the belly of that Labrador, you will feel an enormous amount of pride.

(Evidence that I was, indeed, productive last summer. I've gotten so many compliments on this bad boy.)

Question of the Day (gah I feel so much like Carrie Bradshaw right now! Except I doubt her articles ever concerned painting pictures of penguins): What inanimate objects/abstract concepts/things would you want to marry?


  1. taylor lautner. either as teenage boy or warewolf.
